Abstract submission for RHYTHM

Submit your abstract (maximum of 2500 characters or 300 words) before May 22, 2024.

Abstract should be written in English.

Figures or tables (max two) should be submitted as separate files.
Figures must be of a 300 DPI resolution and registered in a EPS or TIFF format.
All figures and tables should be titled.

The poster should be readable from a distance of at least 5'. Suggested sizes are a minimum graph size of 10" (25 cm), section heading letters of 3/4" (2 cm) and text and figure lettering not less than 3/8" (1 cm).

A heading label including the title, the author name and the address of the primary author should be included.

The best papers will be presented during the congress as electronic poster.

Each first author selected will benefit from a reduced registration fee to the congress and the eposter will be displayed during the congress.

For the winner : reimbursement of accommodation, transport, and registration to the congress + free registration for RHYTHM 2026

Do not hesitate to contact Virginie Jabes for any further explanations or details: vjabes@divine-id.com.
Your abstract account is a different account from your congress account.

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